
We are a group of civil and environmental scientists and engineers with more than 30 years of experience in resolving design and permitting issues for more than 300 residential and commercial developments. Our efforts gained our clients valuable buildable lots from erroneously mapped FEMA floodplain and wetlands and secured basement from flooding. Read more below and in our service section.

Our Services

Wetland & RIVER Delineation

Environmental Site Assessment

Drainage & SEPTIC Design

Our Featured Projects

Winterberry Hills, Easton, MA​

Conducted a river network hydraulics and floodplain study for a successful revision of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) through Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This lead to gain 25 acres of land outside of floodplain for a 44-lot residential subdivision and spared some existing homes from unnecessary flood insurance.

Southborough Medical Center, Southborough, MA

80, 000 gpd on-site wastewater treatment plant, hydrogeological study and groundwater discharge permitting, stormwater, ENF, Wetland, NPDES permitting and monitoring, 2002-.


Coordinated and conducted Eastern Box Turtle Habitat field Survey to redefine the NHESP Atlas habitat map and successfully resolved potential issues for development of 37 single family houses and 150 unit of elderly housing, 2005-2008.

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